(continued from Scroll Services Tab)

Held Services Tab Scroll

* = Scroll Default

To change columns, right click on the column headings bar. A pop-up box showing all the available headings appears and both the columns required and the order in which they are displayed can be changed.

To change the width of the columns use the left mouse button in the column headings bar to drag the column boundaries as required. This facility is available in all the “scrolls” within Tourplan. These settings are automatically saved.



*Location Code

Service location code

Location Name

Full location description

*Service Code

The service code

Service Name

Full service description

Supplier Code

The 6 character supplier code

*Supplier Name

Supplier full name

*Option Code

Service option code

*Option Description

Service option description

*Option Comment

Service option comment

Service Category

The Service option category flag:

Y = Accommodation Service

N = Non Accommodation Service

I = Itinerary Service

P = Package Service

A = Apartment Service

F = Manual Flight Service

*Class Code

Service option class code

Class Description

Service option class description

*Locality Code

Service option locality code

Locality Description

Service option locality description

Rate Text

The 60 character Rate Text field from the specific Date Range/Price

Code of the service


Service Status

The status of the service. In this scroll, this will always be blank.

Date From

The date the rates apply from

Date To

The date the rates apply to

Price Code

The Price Code of the service

PC Description

The Price Code Description


Adult service database cost price

Child Cost

Child service database cost price

Infant Cost

Infant service database cost price


Adult service database sell price

Child Sell

Child service database sell price

Infant Sell

Infant service database sell price


Allocation availability

Database Analysis Code 1

Service Option Database analysis 1 code

Database Analysis Code 2

Service Option Database analysis 2 code

Database Analysis Code 3

Service Option Database analysis 3 code

*Service Date

Date of the Service

Rate Name

The 20 character Rate Text field from the specific Date Range/Price

Code of the service



The Minimum number of second charge units (days; nights etc.)


The Maximum number of second charge units (days; nights etc.)

Must Include Days

Days that the service must include (if applicable).

Must Start On

Day that the service must start on (if applicable)


The preference indicator from the service

Destination Code

Destination Code attached to Location of service

Destination Name

Destination Name attached to Location of Service

Country Code

Country Code attached to Location of Service

Country Name

County Name attached to Location of Service

(continued in Allocations Tab Scroll)